Joey, Joey, Joey…Porter Speaks…Again

You either love him or you hate him.  I can probably say with 100% certainty that if you’re a fan of the New England Patriots you hate him.  And we’re talking about Miami Dolphins linebacker Joey Porter who is once again spouting off about the New England Patriots.

Here is some of what Porter said to ESPN’s Tim Graham:

PorterDo you think Bill Belichick will take this game personally given what happened the last time you played the Patriots?

Porter: We played them up there last year and they were up by 21 and they was running run plays with a minute left. They could’ve kneed the ball. We couldn’t win the game. They was up by 21. So I really don’t care how they feel or what they’re getting ready for. Doesn’t really matter to me.

Everybody was hoping we was going to be 0-13 and they were going to be 13-0, and they were moving the game around to get us on TV. They were up, and I’m looking at [Tom] Brady, thinking he’s going to take a knee. We don’t have no timeouts or nothing. But they continued to run the ball. So if that’s how they feel, then it is what it is.

You certainly have a long memory.

Porter: Yeah, I got a long memory. Why wouldn’t you remember that?

You can read all of what Porter had to say by checking out the article.  One thing he did touch on that I agree with is the part about his son’s 8-year old football team but what Joey has to realize is that he plays in the NFL on Sunday’s and not in the Pop Warner League like his kid.