It May Not Be Priceless But It’s A Start

Our favorite quarterback around these parts is Tom Brady. While most of the commercial opportunites go to some guy named Peyton Manning, our boy Tom does his fair share of modeling and of course, models. Most of Tom’s advertising forray’s have been in the way of print ads but now for your viewing enjoyment comes the Tom Brady commercial for Stetson cologne. Hey he’s no Peyton (yet) when it comes to the MasterCard and Sprint ads, although this year everyone is eluding Jason Taylor, but he’s getting there.

Although I do have one question for the Stetson folks. “If I buy Stetson do I smell like Brady, drive a cool car and get to bang supermodels or do I smell like like the ass on that horse”?

If I was his agent I’d pitch a Victoria’s Secret ad that has him in the store sniffing panties while trying to find Gisele. Kind of an adult version of “Where’s Waldo”. Now that would be a winner.

By the way the song in the Stetson ad is one of my favorites. It’s “Train, Train” by Blackfoot. Enjoy.[/youtube]