Is it Manny’s Grill?

I caught this over on Deadspin today. They had this link over to an Ebay ad that said Manny Ramirez was selling a grill. Well crack reporter Amalie Benjamin of the Boston Globe tells us that the grill is in fact not Manny’s but a neighbor of his, who is trying to sell his grill. The best part of Amalie’s article, Manny actually spoke to her. Is this the same Manny who doesn’t to speak to the media?

Though Ramirez indicated that he was not interested in baseball questions, he did speak to his personality, to his reasons for not speaking with the media, and his happiness just playing the game.

He said he’ll be happy to talk after his retirement, though he would not offer any guesses as to when that would be.

“I’m just here to play the game and enjoy it,” Ramirez said. “[I enjoy] my life. All the things that I do I enjoy. I’m not here to talk to [the media]. I’m here to play the game.

“That’s me, you know. The same. Everywhere I go is the same.”

She must obviously be trusted by Manny for him to speak to her. I know Curt Schilling is very high on her abilities as well. Kudos to Amalie for getting Manny to speak.