In The Red Zone – 10/30


I forget to add this in at first but here is head coach Bill Belichick’s weekly visit with the Big Show on WEEI in Boston. 

Washington’s Randall Godfrey confronted Bill Belichick on the field after the game and accused him of running up the score after Washington’s loss.

According to Tom Curran of Godfrey says he told Belichick:

“You need to show some respect for the game. You just don’t do that. I don’t care how bad it is. You’re up 35 points and you’re still throwing deep? That’s no respect,” Godfrey said.

Belichick was asked about the subject, and said:

“What did you want me to do, kick a field goal? We’re just playing … It’s not (the offense’s) job to not score. It’s like I tell the offense, what the hell do you think I send you guys out there for? To punt? We have a punt team for that.”

NFL Hall of Famer and FOX Sports Howie Long said:

“the Redskins shouldn’t have been running their mouths about how New England had never seen defensive backs like theirs and that they wouldn’t get blown out like the other teams. Keep your mouth shut and maybe the Patriots would respect the Redskins a little more. “

If Godfrey was so upset at being disrespected he should have made more than 1 tackle.

I’m pretty much sick and tired of everyone knocking the Patriots and the scores of the games. “They’re running up the score” comes the whine we frequently hear well the last I knew this wasn’t the Challenger Division of Pop Warner where everyone gets a trophy for putting their shoes on and tying them.

So to show the whiney bitches of the world something I did some research something that the Mark Schlereth’s, John Clayton’s and the others haven’t done.

Here are some of the most prolific offenses in recent NFL history from the Rams, Colts, Niners and Broncos. When those teams did it, it was look at the numbers, how do you stop them, the greatest show on turf, why bother showing up you’re gonna get whipped, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Now when the Patriots do it they’re evil.

These are all wins of 17+ points.

98 Broncos scored 501 pts they won games by scores of 42-23, 34-17, 38-16, 41-16, 27-10, 30-7, 40-14 and 38-3.

97 Broncos scored 477 pts and they won games by scores of 35-14, 35-14, 38-20, 34-14, 34-0, 31-3, 38-3, 42-17

84 Niners scored 475 pts and won games by scores of 31-10, 33-0, 41-7, 35-3, 35-17, 51-7, 23-0, 38-16.

93 Niners scored 473 pts and won games by scores of 38-19, 40-17, 45-21, 42-7, 35-10, 55-17, 44-3

94 Niners scored 505 pts and won games by scores of 44-14, 42-3, 41-16, 35-14, 50-14, 38-15, 42-19, 44-15, 49-26

99 Rams scored 526 points and won games by scores of 27-10, 35-7, 38-10, 42-20, 41-13, 34-3, 35-10, 43-12, 31-10, 34-12

01 Rams scored 503 pts and won games by scores of 42-10, 35-0, 34-14, 48-14, 35-6, 42-17, 31-13, 45-17

04 Colts scored 522 pts and won games by scores of 35-14, 49-14, 41-10, 41-9, 51-24, 49-24.

So it looks like ESPN’s Schlereth, a member of those Broncos teams, and Clayton shouldn’t be talking crap and it looks like everyone else is pretty much a whiney crybaby.

Just days after waiving DL Santonio Thomas to make room for DL Richard Seymour on the roster he was re-signed to the practice squad and OL Pat Ross was released.

This week’s Patriots-Colts match up looks to be pretty profitable for the scalpers, online auctioneers and ticket agencies as the premium seats to the game may go as high as $5,500. This is the first game in NFL history between two teams who are at least 7-0. Unlike the Patriots, the Colts are taking no position on the inflated prices for the game between the two NFL powerhouses.

The game in Indy brings with it a circus like atmosphere with all the extra media, hype, debate and attention of a playoff game if not the Super Bowl. And the defending Super Bowl champs have been more of the sideshow instead of the featured attraction compared to the Patriots. In fact the Colts are a home underdog where they’ve won 11 games in a row.

Colts head coach Tony Dungy has decided to give his players Monday and Tuesday off instead of the normal one day off. He’s hoping the extra rest will help the players with preparation and being more focused on Sunday.

From Matt Cassel’s Wikipedia entry:

“Cassel is the second best quarterback in the history of the NFL, behind Tom Brady. But no one will ever know because he will never play. USC would have beat Texas if Cassel was played.”

What it doesn’t say is that Cassel had already played one season with the Patriots prior to the USC-Texas National Championship game in January, 2006. 

The Dallas Cowboys signed QB Tony Romo to a 6 year, $67 million contract extension.  Not bad for a guy who has started for the equivilent of one season.  And to think people bitched when Charlie Weiss got a ten year extension at Notre Dame after one season.  Now I think the Cowboys should have extended him but you should leave the huge contracts for guys who have proven overtime they have done something besides date hot chicks.

“Oh my goodness, gracious in one of the most dramatic things I’ve ever seen…”  Okay so it’s not a Suzyn Waldman moment but the NY Jets have finally replaced Chad Pennington with Kellen Clemens. It’s about time one of Roger’s kids gets a chance. Oh what’s that? He’s not? I just thought with the K-name and all. 

Well Chad, in life, all good things must come to an end.