Here’s Your Chance To Vote

voteSeeing as entry into Carl Everett’s Crazy Hall of Fame should be special I wanted to give people the opportunity to vote on its potential new members. Much like the BBWAA (Baseball Writer’s Association of America) controls the fate of players trying to gain entry to the Baseball Hall of Fame you now control the fate of the Carl Everett nominees.

Here are the voting rules:

  1. As of time of balloting all nominations are closed and there can no write in candidates. The only eligible candidates are those listed on the ballot.
  2. For consideration a candidate must have done something you feel is batshit crazy while on the field of play. Acts occurring outside of the field of play are ineligible. The field of play shall be defined as the court, rink, field, locker room, interview room or any other area associated with a practice, game or contest in progress or immediately before or after such practice, game or contest.
  3. Nominees are placed into two categories regular and veteran’s committee. Regular nominee’s committed an act in 2007. Veteran’s nominees are being considered based on their complete body of work or for a past action.
  4. The nominee’s are voted for in total, you are not restricted by category. You can vote for up to but no more than 7 of 13 nominees. Ballots with more than 7 selections will be subject to ridicule and scorn and not be counted.
  5. To gain entry a nominee needs minimum of 50% of the votes cast.
  6. All votes must be returned by December 29, 2007.

The 2008 Carl Everett’s Crazy Hall of Fame nominees are:

Regular Membership

The Oregon Duck who beat the crap out of the Houston Cougar on the sideline after the Cougar decided to do pushups after a Houston touchdown.

Bobby Cox for becoming the all-time leader for ejection’s in MLB history.

Bart Scott for going ballistic after an officials call late in the game went against his team earning him an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. He then promptly picked up the yellow flag and threw it into the stands earning a second penalty and fine from the NFL.

Mike Winters the MLB umpire who baited Padres outfielder Milton Bradley into an argument that led to Bradley tearing up his knee and missing the rest of the season.

Joey Crawford the NBA referee who challenged former MVP Tim Duncan to a fight.

Veteran’s Membership

Jim Calhoun for his overall achievements and his “I fucked up” tirade at media regarding the recruitment of Ryan Gomes, a true classic.

Bobby Knight for his overall achievements of media and player berating and throwing of chairs.

Earl Weaver for his overall antics during ejection’s. A true pioneer.

Lou Piniella I don’t think any manager has thrown more bases in post ejection meltdowns than “Sweet Lou”.

Dennis Rodman for the kicking of a cameraman on the court.

Gerald Williams for after a moment’s thought, deciding to charge Pedro Martinez in the first inning of a game after he was hit by a pitch.

Don Zimmer the senior citizen is nominated for charging at Pedro Martinez in a bench clearing brawl between the Red Sox and Yankees. What is it about Petey?

Robin Ventura for charging Hall of Fame pitcher Nolan Ryan after the “Express” drilled him with a pitch. The fight wasn’t very fair as Ryan, also a cattle rancher, put Ventura in a headlock and kicked his ever loving ass.

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