Help Needed!!


In an effort to get the nickname of “Darkman” for Hideki Okajima to stick, Peter from Peter’s Red Sox Forever had asked me a while back to help spread the word of the “Darkman” nick that he coined. It’s time to take it to another level. I have been doing my part and now Michael Silverman of the Boston Herald has asked for emails suggesting nicknames. So let’s help Peter out folks.This excerpt is taken from Peter’s blog.

“Sorry, Darkman”

Posted by Michael Silverman at 7:42 pm. Tuesday May 21, 2007

NEW YORK — “This giving Hideki Okajima a nickname business is getting interesting. I’ve gotten some great responses so far — they will be revealed later – but first a clarification.
It was Peter, not Ian, who came up with the Darkman nickname. Click on his link ( to find some passionate feelings about Darkman. Maybe I could be persuaded someday but for now I’m going to stick to my guns for variations on “Mr. Sorry.’’
This is important stuff, so let’s not stop discussing it.”
Peter here, and let’s PERSUADE HIM! Mr. Sorry? Wimp-like. Hideki doesn’t have to apologise to anyone for striking them out or at least making them look foolish. The Darkman? Much better. This is Peter, and let’s not stop. Let’s keep sending Michael emails at his Boston Herald web address. The more the better. And you don’t need MY link, because you’re already here! I’ve received emails from so many Red Sox fans in Japan who tell me that already our Hideki Okajima is known as the Darkman, even in the newspapers! So please, use the following addy and just let Michael Silverman know that the Darkman is so perfect a nickname for our “hero of the dark,” the best lefthanded reliever in baseball, our very own Hideki Okajima. The enemy of our enemies for many years to come. He’s helped to make our bullpen the best in all of baseball. Here is Mr. Silverman’s email address……please spread the DARKMAN’S new nickname…….OUR lefthanded bullpen “the best one there is” pitcher….in MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL!!

As you can see, the writers in Japan are already using it, so why can’t the Boston media catch on and join the “team”.

So what are we (Peter and myself) asking, to please send an email to Michael Silverman of the Boston Herald, telling him you want the Darkman nickname. His email address is

As the Nike slogan goes, “Just Do It!!!”

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