Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Much has been made of the New England Patriots pursuit of perfection this season. Every time the possibility of a perfect season comes up the 1972 Miami Dolphins are mentioned and rightfully so they were the NFL’s only post-merger perfect squad going 14-0. The Dolphins also added 3 playoff wins as they won Super Bowl VII and finished with a 17-0 record.

Morris as a playerMost of the 1972 Dolphins don’t seem to mind when a team looks like it has a chance at an unbeaten year it gives them some face time and some recognition for their wonderful feat. Former Dolphins running back Mercury Morris though seems to have a severe disdain for any team who is approaching his vaunted Dolphins. Mercury has done his angry best to belittle other teams accomplishments, wrote a rap about being undefeated and has generally played the angry old man route to its most annoying. But Morris said it best I think when he said “don’t call me when you’re on the turnpike, call me when you’re in my neighborhood”.

Well don’t look now Merc because there is a team in your ‘hood baby, they’re on your street and that beeping sound you hear is the moving truck backing up the to the house next door.