Amalie Benjamin Is Blogalicious

Amalie KissThis is somewhat a response to Tim over at The Red Sox Times. It is not a dig at him nor is it anything spiteful.

In Tim’s blog, he wrote this.

According to Technorati’s blog post mentions ranks, Hazel is the hottest of the bunch.

Hazel Mae – 1,361 blog post mentions
Erin Andrews – 1,252
Amalie Benjamin – 150
Tina Cervasio – 120

I want to bring you some different numbers. This is how many views the Amalie’s Army page got from 8 pm last night to to 8 pm tonight. The reason why I went 8 to 8 is that is how the stats work. They are complied on GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Right now the eastern time zone is -4 GMT. Also I have included how many times her name was used in searches. Because it’s a holiday weekend, I didn’t expect much traffic to the site. However, a rain delay in Texas last night coupled with Amalie being on TV a few times in those 2 hours brought a good part of those hits.

Top Posts on SOX & Dawgs for Amalie Benjamin

Amalie Searches

I know in my contact with her through emails, she has been nothing but nice to me and answered my questions as has any of the Globe reporters I have emailed. They are a class organization to me.

I hope she doesn’t dislike me for making the page.

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