Update: Five UCONN Football Players Kicked Off the Team

Well well, it seems as though the the Five UCONN football players who were kicked off the team for purchasing beer while in Tampa a few weeks ago, actually purchased more than two six packs. In an interview with ESPN’s Heather Cox, Coach Randy Edsall stated that there was more than two six packs of beer involved. The article also states that some of those who were kicked off the team had some prior unrelated arrests, 3 in the last 10 months. What the article really doesn’t state is the real reason for the dismissal of the players. Yes I am sure it had to do with the beer but the players broke a team rule of not leaving the hotel while on the road.

“If I don’t enforce my rules, I have no program,” Edsall told Cox. “I have to be able to look at myself in the mirror in the morning and before I go to bed at night and know I adhered to my values and principles.”

It’s pretty simple folks. While the players did purchase beer while on the road trip they broke team rules. I am sure there are some rules about alcohol too. It is college and kids will be kids. But when you are trying to build a program into a contender, this is not the way to bring the national spotlight to UCONN Football.

Coach Edsall was supposed to have his conference call with the media today and hopefully I will be able to follow up with some more information.