Five UCONN Football Players Kicked Off the Team

Well let’s see so far this season, UCONN has had 6 people kicked off the team for different reasons. The latest 5 for purchasing a six pack of Corona and a six pack of Heineken.

The five players dismissed were junior defensive end Harold Stanback, junior safety/linebacker Ricky McCollum, sophomore wide receiver Nollis Dewar and two freshmen, receiver Todd Dorcelus and linebacker Carl Teague. A few weeks back, starting strong safety Marvin Taylor, was booted off the team when he was arrested for 6th degree larceny and credit card fraud.

According to Dewar, the incident happened outside the UCONN hotel in Tampa where they were staying on Friday night. The players were confronted by the recruiting assistant, Carl Kotz and asked whether or not they had anything in their bags. They lied to him and said no.

“We were at a gas station and it happened to have beer and someone said, `Let’s get some,'” Dewar said. “There was no plan before like, `Lets go buy some beer and have a party.’ “We were walking back to the hotel and [Kotz] saw us. We just said we were going back to the room. He asked if we had anything in our bags and we all said no. Then we were in meetings later and he went through our rooms and searched through all our things and he said he found the beer. “No one drank it. No one did anything with it. Nothing happened with the alcohol. And I am 21. There was no crime committed at all.”

What gets me is this is the second time that Edsall has allowed the players to play, then subsequently booted them off the team. He allowed Marvin Taylor to play in the Wake Forest game before kicking him off the team. A normal coach would have suspended the players for the game, then had a meeting with them to determine their punishment. For some of them, it was the first time they were ever in trouble.

I guess our football team is becoming big time around here when we have one guy arrested and 5 others kicked off the team for buying but not drinking beer.