Whale Announce Slate of Five Premier Home Dates

HARTFORD, July 25, 2011:  Whalers Sports & Entertainment today announced five prime home-ice dates that have been guaranteed to the Connecticut Whale by the American Hockey League for the upcoming 2011-12 AHL season.

CT WhaleThe first of those is Saturday, October 15, and the other four are all also prime Friday or Saturday nights.  Those other dates are: Friday, November 4; Saturday, December 17; New Year’s Eve (Saturday, December 31); and Saturday, January 21.

All of these premier weekend home games will feature major promotions, as the franchise enjoys its first full season under the Whale banner.

The entirety of the Whale’s 2011-12 schedule will be announced later in the summer, as soon as it is finalized.

Season tickets for the 2011-12 Whale season are available now, with a special early bird discount. Call (860) 728-3366 for information on that, as well as all Whale ticket packages, group sales and VIP packages.

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