Britney Spears Update: Back In Rehab Edition

According to published reports everywhere in the world, Britney Spears reentered the Promises Malibu Alcohol and Drug Rehab Treatment Facility in Malibootie on Wednesday night. She reportedly met with ex-hubby Kevin Federline last night to talk about what was going to happen with the children. Basically what happened was that Britney agreed to let K-Fed have the children while she was in rehab for whatever she is addicted to. The program lasts 45 days.

K-Fed cancelled the emergency hearing for Thursday and agreed not to pursuit it if Britney got the help she needed. Federline has told Spears that if she doesn’t stay in rehab this time, he will go to the courts and ask for full custody of their kids. Spears wanted to see their kids last night but Federline apparently wouldn’t let her.

Earlier in the day on Thursday, Britney’s father, Jaime spoke with Fox News and had this to say about his daughter: Spears is “a sick little girl.”

Earlier on Wednesday night, Britney had a nice run-in with the paparazzi. Click here to see her attacking a photographer’s SUV. Make sure to watch the video there as well.

This is the third time she has entered rehab in the past week. I truly hope that she does what is best for her first and foremost so that she can be a wonderful mom to her two sons, Jayden James and Sean Preston.

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