Fitzy’s Got A New Gig

We’ve all seen Paul “Fitzy” Fitzgerald’s videos over at We’ve all seen his work with Burly Sports as Nick Stevens (his real name). Well now Fitzy’s got a new gig, this time with ESPN.

The gates have been lifted! The restrictions unrestricted! I can finally talk and about my new job (only kinda sorta about time, considering I’ve been on the Bobby Fischer plan the last 5 weeks), and I’m psyched. Believe it or not, the worldwide leader in sports (ESPN) has hired the worldwide leader in nonsense (ME) to follow Monday Night Football around the country, making short videos in every city we visit. And before you ask, YES, the job is as fun as it sounds…and no, I don’t know what they were thinking. Right now I’m in New Orleans for the Titans/Saints game Monday, then it’s on to Cincinnati (home of cornholing!) for Pats/Bengals. with VideoGate cooling and the Pats on fire I anticipate raising quite a ruckus in the Queen City.
Seriously…Brady to Moss all day, all day, all night.

So be on the lookout for 3-4 new videos from a new Monday Night Football city every week, mixed in with the occasional Wicked Pissah Webcast, random commentary and whatever else I can do, seeing as sleep has officially been ruled out of my fall schedule. To view the videos elsewhere just go to ESPN.COM, click on the “Video” section, and under “ESPN Collections” you’ll see Fitzy’s Monday Night Mania (somehow I couldn’t get the suits to go for Fitzy’s Monday Night GFY Party).

Go Sox! Go Pats! GFY!

It’s been a long time coming waiting for some new stuff from Fitzy. Although we know the ESPN ones won’t be NSFW, I am happy to see that he will still be doing some Wicked Pissah webcasts.