UConn Women’s 1994-95 NCAA Championship Team Honored

1994-95 UConn Women's Basketball Team

The UConn Huskies 1994-95 undefeated NCAA Championship team was officially inducted into the “Huskies of Honor” at halftime of UConn’s 82-71 win over Georgia Tech on Sunday afternoon.

For those of you who missed it, here’s the video of the event.

[flash http://ianbethune.com/huskiesofhonor.FLV w=425 h=300]

By the way, CPTV dropped the ball by not showing the event live at halftime. Instead they focused on their fundraising. I understand the fact that they need to raise money to help televise the games but this was one of the best teams in UConn history and deserved better than showing this on tape. Just my two cents.