SOX & Dawgs Nominated For Best Red Sox Blog


The nominees for the best Red Sox blog came out last night over at and SOX & Dawgs has been nominated as the best Red Sox blog. There’s some lofty competition and all are worthy of winning.

I would like to thank whomever nominated us here at SOX & Dawgs. It is very much appreciated by us.

The voting will go until February 14th over at so why not show some love for SOX & Dawgs and vote for us. You are allowed to vote once a day.

As always, thank you for helping make SOX & Dawgs what is today. Because without you, we probably wouldn’t be here.

We won’t be going anywhere and are geared up for the 2011 season which means more posts and videos concerning the Boston Red Sox on a daily basis. I, for one, can’t wait until spring training starts on the 13th.