Schilling Speaks Out

Just when you thought “sockgate” was over, Curt Schilling, who yesterday declined to speak with the media, shared his thoughts on the whole bloody mess (no pun intended). He had a lot to say about the issue, including a small attack on some of the guys from ESPN’s ‘Around the Horn’.

I can tell you that I am somewhat critical of his remarks about Woody Paige, Jay Mariotti, and Bill Plaschke because they were actually defending him on the show. Mariotti pointed out that he thought it was blood because of Schilling’s love of the history of the game. So I am just speculating here but I’d have to say Schilling didn’t see the show yesterday. I will totally agree with Schilling though on the fact that Mariotti looks like he’s getting ready for a burlesque show with all the makeup he wears.

It’s funny too because way back when he started the blog, he said this would be his way of setting the facts straight. And now he finally gets to do this with his blog.

It was blood. You can choose to believe whatever you need to, but facts are facts. The 25 guys that were in that locker room, the coaches, they all know it. In the end nothing else really matters. The people that need to believe otherwise are people with their own insecurities and issues.

Doug is a good friend of mine and I knew the second I saw him that he felt horrible. He didn’t have to. I knew the second I was told what had happened that he didn’t say it. I felt horrible for him feeling bad and told him to forget about it. I also knew that being the friends we are, he wouldn’t. But even after they spoke Gary Thorne still covered his ass by lying about the conversation and twisting it in a way that absolved him from blame. Tito got phone calls all day, I did as well, and some other guys did too. It’s 2007 and this team has got a great thing going. The last thing we need is an idiotic distraction that shouldn’t even exist.

So for one of the first times this blog serves one of the purposes I’d hoped it would if the need arose. The media hacked and spewed their way to a day or two of stories that had zero basis in truth. A story fabricated by the media, for the media. The best part was that instead of having to sit through a litany of interviews to ‘defend’ myself, or my teammates, I got to do that here. As I said earlier, believe what you need to, whatever makes you sleep better at night is probably your best bet.

Someone gave me a great idea to end this once and for all. No one will ever need to bring it up again. I’ll wager 1 million dollars to the charity of anyones choice, versus the same amount to ALS. If the blood on the sock is fake, I’ll donate a million dollars to that persons charity, if not they donate that amount to ALS.

Any takers?

It will be interesting to see if this issue finally blows over. It should be a total non-issue. I believe it was blood and everyone else should too. Do you really think Schilling would give the Hall of Fame something that was a fake? Because if he did, his chances of making the HOF as a pitcher would probably be shot.

So if you have a million dollars laying around, why not send Gil Grissom and his CSI crew to Cooperstown to extract some DNA from the sock.