Red Sox News & Notes – 8/19


Lugo, Big Papi and Texy's BBFIf you didn’t see last night’s game on TV or in person at Fenway like somebody I know, you missed arguably one of the best games of the season at the Fens. Trailing by 5 runs in the 5th inning, the Red Sox put a can of whoop ass on the Angels and Jered Weaver. The big blow off the inning came off of the bat of Big Papi, who crushed a ball into the rightfield seats. That gave the Sox the lead for good as they would add 4 more runs in a 10-5 win. Before Yo-Yo Tavarez takes the ball today, let’s take a look at the headlines and happenings from the Boston and Los Angeles area media on this fall-like day in New England.

Hurting put on by Ortiz [Boston Globe]

Weaver slams back after Ortiz’s slam [LA Times]

O rtiz comes to rescue in grand (slam) style [Boston Herald]

Boston drubs Angels 10-5 [The Orange County Register]

One Grand Pop [Hartford Courant]

Sox show they’re late boomers [Pro Jo]

Francona refuses to close out Gagné [Boston Globe]

Shields trying to shake shaky performance [LA Times]

Diminished velocity forces Schilling to change ways [Boston Herald]

Francona Won’t Shy Away From Gagne In Tight Spot [Hartford Courant]

For Kielty, it’s about a chance at a title [Pro Jo]

For more headlines and stories, head over to the Boston Globe, Boston Herald, Providence Journal, Hartford Courant, LA Times, The Orange County Register and LA Daily News websites.