Red Sox News & Notes – 10/12

Sunset at Kakaako Waterfront Park - October 9, 2011

The offseason is full of rumors and speculation but this offseason has been different for the Boston Red Sox.

So far this offseason, most of the pieces coming out from the Boston media have been about the collapse of the team. We know some players were drinking beer in the clubhouse during games, some of the players were out of shape and some other things too.

Yes, I’m disappointed in what’s come out so far. But now I’m a little more perturbed about the piece in the Boston Globe that came out this morning.

I won’t divulge into the details because basically I’m wondering when the Globe became a tabloid paper. The stuff that came out of the article was probably a little too personal in nature in regards to Terry Francona. The parts about him are equivalent to the post that TMZ did on John Lackey divorcing his wife.

The other crap in the article is stuff we already knew. And like I said before, I’m disappointed.

There are people who can afford to go watch these guys on a nightly basis. Then there are the fans who don’t have the means to attend every game but would love to. No matter our circumstances, we support this team 100% and then some on a nightly basis. They’ve earned our respect.

But with everything that’s come out this offseason so far, the respect the Red Sox had earned, is gone at least on my end. It’s going to take a lot for them to earn it back too.

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Before this fluff piece came out in the Globe, the biggest news of the day was the fact that it looks like boy wonder, Theo Epstein, is heading to the Chicago Cubs. Nothing is 100% done yet but according to the AP, it should be done by Thursday.

From all the media reports coming out on Theo’s situation, the hold up right now is compensation as well as the Red Sox are doing everything they can to keep him.

With Theo under contract for 2012 with the Red Sox, the Cubs are going to have give something back to the local nine. Whether that be players or money remains to be seen, but you can best bet that if the brain trust on Yawkey Way lets him go, they’ll get something good in return. If they don’t, then there’s definitely something wrong with them.

And if it comes down to players, hopefully Ben Cherington, who is doing the negotiations for the Red Sox, can send Lackey there as well.

With this whole Theo mess going on, the Red Sox managerial search is on hold. But given everything that’s coming out in regards to the collapse, the Red Sox would be served going outside the organization for their manager.

If the ownership holds true to their word and tries to turn things over to get back to the “Red Sox Way” of things, a manager who isn’t in the Red Sox system would probably be the best thing. It would have to be a disciplinarian type of manager because if it’s an easy going one, he’ll never get control of what seems to be an out-of-control clubhouse.

To open the links up in a new tab or window, use Control+click

Inside the collapse [Boston Globe]

Resolution on Epstein is expected soon [Boston Globe]

Next stop, Wrigleyville [Boston Herald]

Cherington offers smooth transition [Boston Herald]

Appraising Arizona: AFL’s all-time best [Chad Finn’s Touching All The Bases]

Is Cherington the next Red Sox GM? [CSN New England]

Epstein close to leaving Sox, heading to Cubs [CSN New England]

Magadan unsure of future after Francona’s exit [CSN New England]

B.S. Report: Olney, Simmons talk Sox [ESPN Boston]

Kurkjian: What Theo’s exit would mean [ESPN Boston]

Tom Shaer on D&C: Theo Epstein is Cubs’ No. 1 target [Full Count]

Source: Theo Epstein ‘on cusp’ of leaving Red Sox for Cubs [Full Count]

Theo Epstein Rumors Cause Curt Schilling, Peter Gammons to Weigh In on Situation []

Epstein reportedly close to Cubs deal [Providence Journal]

Power-hitting prospect Brentz goes on defensive [Providence Journal]

Farm system went dry for most of the season [Providence Journal]

Lavarnway, Brentz share Minor League honors []

Inbox: Where will there be changes? []

Jonathan Papelbon reflects: ‘Shocked’ over Terry Francona’s exit; clubhouse issues snuck up on Red Sox [Rob Bradford –]

Jonathan Papelbon bracing himself for the brave new world of free agency [Rob Bradford –]

For more slices of Red Sox goodness, head over to the Boston Globe, Boston Herald, CSN New EnglandESPN Boston, NESN, Providence Journal, and WEEI websites.

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