Matsuzaka Ad Causing Quite a Stir

With the Japanese marketplace being different than that here in America, it seems that the Daisuke Matsuzaka ad is causing a little controversy here in the states. For those who haven’t seen the ad, here is a look at it.

[youtube 5gkn4bAdHx0 nolink]

The rules here in the United States are simple. No person can be seen drinking a beer in an ad. While in Japan, this is acceptable. This ad was intended for use in Japan but with the YouTube phenomenon, the ad reached the United States. Major League Baseball also doesn’t allow it’s players to endorse alcoholic beverages. Also, the deal Matsuzaka reached with Asahi was done before he signed with the Red Sox.

A Major League Baseball International spokesman, who wished to remain anonymous, had this to say:

“The ad is consistent with what’s acceptable in the Japanese marketplace. We did approve it with him drinking the beer outside of his uniform. It’s a type of commercial that is really commonplace in Japan. It is not really that farfetched.” Major League Baseball International mandated that the ad include a ‘Drink responsibly’ message at the end.

The Red Sox are concerned with the way their players will be seen, especially with all the young fans. Personally, I don’t think it is such a big deal. The young people of America have different influences that may make them think about drinking beer. But I totally understand why the Red Sox are concerned. They don’t want to hear about a young kid dying from drinking too much because he/she saw Matsuzaka drinking a beer. Like the MLB International spokesperson said, he didn’t drink it in his uniform.

I would have to think that you will see a little more caution on the part of the marketing people for Dice-K. As it stand, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau is considering taking action on this. Arthur Resnick, Director of Public and Media Affairs for the ATTT Bureau had this to say:

“Our jurisdiction runs to false and misleading ads,” said Resnick, who pointed to a 1995 ruling that says the bureau would consider unacceptable any ad “which depicts any individual (famous athlete or otherwise) consuming or about to consume an alcoholic beverage prior to or during an athletic activity or event,” or an ad that states that drinking alcohol “will enhance athletic prowess, performance at athletic activities or events, health or conditioning.”

Like I said, I don’t see the big deal. The market there is different then here. And if anyone has noticed, you haven’t seen this ad run on television. Doesn’t the Government have better things to do right now.

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Information from the Boston Herald was used.