Daisuke On The Hill Today

Sox Nation. Red Sox Nation that is. This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for. The Major League debut of the Japanese phenom, Daisuke Matsuzaka. His opponent; the Kansas City Royals. The game starts at 2:10 PM ET and 4:00 AM Friday morning Japan time. The game is being televised here in Red Sox Nation on NESN and will also be broadcast live back to Japan.

That leads me into this video below. It is a Nike commercial featuring Matsuzaka that will only be shown in Japan.

[youtube CUhE4mnb4Ow nolink]

It will be interesting to see if he struggles with his command like he did in his last two spring training starts. Hopefully he has found the flaw and straightened it out (I actually think I said this yesterday too).

So at 2:10 PM, you will know where I will be. My ass will be parked on the couch watching Dice-K make his debut.