A Castle For The King…

King LeBron that is. LeBron James is in the middle of building a 35,440 square foot house. By comparison, a local Best Buy in the area is 45,000 square feet. The house will include a few of the normal amenities, a recording studio, a movie theater, a casino, a bowling alley and even a barber shop. So now when your over hanging out with the LeBron’s, you can cut a demo, watch White Chicks on dvd, play some craps, try to bowl a 300 game and even have some more Soul-Glo put in your curls.

Shockingly enough, there isn’t a swimming pool or even a basketball court. A king without his court just doesn’t sound right at all. Although there is room for a swimming pool that can be done later on if he so chooses.

The above picture is what you will see when you walk in. A limestone sculpture of LeBron wearing his trademark headband. If he ever sells the house, what will the new owners think of having LeBron’s mug on the front of their house.

LeBron’s neighbors are having a tough time with all the sightseers. People are parking in the street just to get a glimpse of the house and are even parking in neighbor’s driveways with no regard for his neighbors. Tom Bader, who lives next door had this to say:

“People who come to photograph it are disrespectful. They park their car in the middle of the street — with their doors open! And you’re sitting behind them! All I wanna do is go home after a hard day’s work.”

“As far as LeBron the man goes, I think he’s an outstanding individual. He’s great for Cleveland. I’m proud to have him. I have no issues with LeBron James at all. The problem is the baggage that he unintentionally carries with him.”

“My children obviously think it’s cool,. They can hardly wait to go over and play basketball with him. I said, `Honey, I don’t think that’s going to happen. Besides that, don’t ever, ever invite LeBron over to our house to play ball because he’s going to twist his ankle and I will have my house eternally egged.’ ‘

I’d have to say if that happened, his house would probably be burned down to the ground.