OK This Isn’t Funny Anymore

Just days after Cory Lidle’s plane crash, yet another Yankee has experienced some trouble with a plane flight. Today, the plane which Alex Rodriguez was a passenger on, overshot its the runway at Bob Hope Airport in Burbank. There were no injuries reported.

Now with this being a sensitive subject, I know there will be a few blog sites which will say that maybe the plane should have gone down. The reason I say this is, there is a lot of anti-AROD sentiment in Yankee land. To me, it’s just eerie, being Friday the 13th and all, that two Yankees players have had problems with airplanes in recent days.

Maybe the Yankees should take a page from John Madden and start busing around the country. It seems as though it’s a lot safer.

Once again, I’d like to offer my condolences to Cory Lidle’s wife, Melanie, and their six year old son, Christopher, and both of their families.