“I Am Cal Ripken”

Manny "I am Cal Ripken" Ramirez

Manny "I am Cal Ripken" Ramirez

Those were the words of former Boston Red Sox and current Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder Manny Ramirez after skipper Joe Torre asked him if he wanted a day off on Thursday.

“I mentioned a day off to Manny [Ramirez] and he said he doesn’t need a day off and that was the end of that conversation,” said Torre, who earlier said he hoped to give Thursday’s game off for Ramirez, who hasn’t missed a game since his July 31 acquisition. “We’ll keep playing him, and if we continue to win, we’ll deal with it later.”

Manny seems to have forgotten that Cal Ripken played 2,632 consecutive games before taking a day off and even played through some nagging injuries.

And for what it’s worth, Rick Reilly thinks that Manny should stay in Los Angeles in his “Life with Reilly” segment this morning on SportsCenter.

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